Course Information

by Joseph Baker, Courtesy of Library of Congress
Salem Witch Trial Lithograph.
American Studies Courses
American Studies:
2230F/G Selected Topics in American Studies
2231F/G Selected Topics in American Studies
3330F/G Selected Topics in American Studies
3340F/G Selected Topics in American Studies
4420E Independent Thesis in American Studies
4430F/G Directed Readings in American Studies
2203F/G Indigenous Peoples, Globalization, and the Environment
2211F/G Cultures of Caribbean
2216F/G Anthropological Perspectives on Latin America
2219F/G Cultures of the Middle East
2278F/G Anthropology of Race, Ethnicity, and Identity
3355F/G Zombies in Cultural and Historical Perspective
2017 Reading Popular Culture
2201F/G Contemporary Theory and Criticism
2341E American Literature from Colonial Period to 1890
2342F/G American Literature to 1890: Major Authors
2343F/G Topics in American Literature to 1890
2344F/G American Literature 1890 to the Present
2345F/G American Literature Since 1890: Major Authors
2346F/G Topics in American Literature: 1890 to the Present
2362F/G Post-Colonial Writing
2401E American Literature Survey
2460F/G American Drama
2499E American Literature Survey: Creativity Option
3201F/G Introduction to Cultural Studies
3202F/G National and Global Perspectives On Cultural Studies
3440F/G What is An American? Early American Literature
3449F/G Topics in Early American Literature
3470F/G American Cult Classics
3471F/G Ballots and Bullets: US Literature and Civil Rights
3479F/G Topics in American Literature
3480F/G Reading American Now
3490F/G American Drama
3498E Topics in American Literature
3499F/G Topics in American Literature
3556E Twentieth-Century Drama
4450F/G Seminar in Early American Literature
4459E Seminar in Early American Literature
4470F/G-4472F/G Seminar in American Literature
4479E Seminar in American Lit
Film Studies:
2153A/B American Television and Culture
2159A/B Disney
2254F/G Classical Hollywood Cinema
3342F/G Post-Classical Hollywood Cinema (1960-present)
3352F/G Queer Cinema
3364F/G Screening the Vietnam War
3365F/G Quality TV in the US
Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies:
2161A/B Women and Popular Culture: Garbo to Gaga
2817F/G Queer North American Histories
3324F/G Contemporary Topics in Critical Race Studies
2131A/B The Natural Environment
2142A/B Geopolitics
2410A/B Social Geography
2411F/G Indigenous Environments
3411A/B Cultural Geography
2131A/B The Presidency in American History
2132A/B From Coney Island to the Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills: The History of American Popular Culture
2133A/B Cults, Terror and Extremism in 20th Century America
2134A/B “Talkin’ Bout My Generation”: Youth, Rebellion and Rock n’ Roll
2135A/B African-American History: Racism and the Struggle for Freedom in America
2137A/B Draft Dodgers, Hippies, and Black Panthers: US in the 1960s
2171A/B Greed is Good: History of Capitalism
2175 North America’s Wars
2301E The United States, Colonial Period to the Present
2302F/G American Modern: The United States in the Twentieth Century
2311F/G The United States: 1865 to the Present
2312F/G The United States: The Beginnings to 1865
2391E-2399E/F/G Special Topics in US History
2807F/G Entrepreneurship In The United States And Canada Since 1800
2817F/G Queer North American Histories
3301E Colonial British America
3305E The United States 1783-1916
3306F/G The United States in the 19th Century
3307E American Pop Culture
3308E Conspiracies, Deniers and Truthers: Conspiracy Theories in American History
3309E The American South
3311F/G Slavery and Freedom: African-American History, 1600-1896
3313F/G The Movement: Civil Rights and African-American History in the 20th Century
3319E Foreign Policy of the United States Since 1775
3320E Global America
3326F/G Atomic America: The United States During the 1950s
3327F/G The Rebellious Decade: Culture and Conflict in the U.S. in the 1960s
3340F/G Reading Black Lives: Biography and Autobiography in Black North American History
3391E-3395E Selected Topics in US History
3396F/G-3399F/G Selected Topics in US History
3807E Jewish Immigrant Experience in North America, 1880-1945
3808F/G Jewish Life in North America since 1880
3814F/G Kicking and Screaming: Women’s Protest Movements in US and Canada
4218F/G Cities of the Dead: Cemeteries, Death, and Mourning in North America
4300E Terrorism USA
4301E The United States in the Twentieth Century
4303E Liberty in America, 1607-2001
4306E Cold War America
4307F/G American Dreams, Radicals and Reformers from a “City on a Hill” to Herland
4308F/G Iron-Jawed Angels: Women, Power and the Vote in American History
4318F/G Clashing Empires in North America to 1800
4351F/G American Captivity Narratives
4391E Selected Topics in US History
4703F/G Canada and the United States
4803E Topics in Gender History
Indigenous Studies:
2203F/G Indigenous Peoples, Globalization, and the Environment
2211F/G Cultures of Caribbean
2216F/G Anthropological Perspectives on Latin America
2236A/B Introduction to North American Indigenous Spirituality
2919F/G The Iroquoians: Their History and Culture
3722F/G Indigenous Political and Legal Issues
3880F/G Indigenous Literatures of Turtle Island
2700A/B Post-World War II Popular Music
2701A/B Musical Theatre
2702A/B Intro to Jazz
2062F/G Power, Privilege, and Oppression
Political Science:
2217F/G American Government and Politics
2244E American Government and Politics
2239F/G American Constitutional Law
3200E Understanding Sept. 11th
3210F/G Canada-U.S. Relations
3326E Canadian-American Relations
3361F/G American Borders & Borderlands
3367F/G Political Economy: North America
4204F/G The Politics of Race
4401F/G American Foreign Policy
4403F/G War on Terror
Or any course with significant American content that meets the approval of the Director of American Studies. (Please submit a full syllabus with such a request.)